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Custom Ai Assistant/Expert Generator

Prepare to be amazed as you train your own personal AI using our prompt generator. This powerful tool allows you to customize and shape your AI's knowledge, enabling it to teach you anything you desire.

SEO Optimized Article Generator

In just five simple steps, our remarkable prompt generator empowers you to create captivating and SEO-optimized articles. Unleash your creativity and effortlessly craft content that stands out in search engine rankings.

Ultimate Keyword Generator

Become a keyword master and conquer the realm of content creation. Our cutting-edge keyword analysis prompt generator equips you with essential keywords, in-depth analysis, and clear next steps to enhance your content strategy.

Google Ranking Generator

Experience the power of our website analysis prompt generator. Effortlessly scrape, analyze, capture, and evaluate any website data, enabling you to stay ahead of the competition and elevate your Google rankings.

Most Popular Prompts

Text Summary Prompt

Prompt Description

  • Extract Main Idea: The script guides ChatGPT to identify and summarize the primary thesis or argument of the text.
  • Identify Supporting Points: It instructs ChatGPT to outline the supporting details that bolster the main idea of the text.
  • Highlight Key Terms: The script ensures the AI notes and lists any specialized vocabulary or phrases used in the text.
  • Analyze Writing Style and Tone: The script directs ChatGPT to describe the style and tone of the writing, providing insights into the author's voice and method of communication.
  • Determine Word Frequency and Reading Level: It guides ChatGPT to provide an analysis of the text's complexity, based on word frequency and reading level.
  • Uncover Overall Theme and Context: The script instructs ChatGPT to explain the broader theme and context of the text, providing deeper understanding of the content.
  • Generate Recommendations: Based on the gathered information, the script prompts ChatGPT to suggest next steps or logical actions, aiding in decision-making processes.

Create a Case Study Prompt

Prompt Description

  • Topic-Focused: The script guides ChatGPT to create detailed case studies based on specific topics or professions, providing targeted and relevant content.
  • Identify Key Concerns: It instructs ChatGPT to focus on two key concerns in the given field and explore protection methods related to these concerns.
  • Practical Strategies: The script prompts the AI to provide practical strategies for safeguarding crucial elements and building successful outcomes in the chosen area.
  • Comprehensive Information: It guides ChatGPT to include specific information about the topic, industry examples, potential elements for success, and instances of prosperous outcomes.
  • Engage Critical Thinking: The script enhances its educational value by instructing ChatGPT to generate open-ended questions that engage critical thinking and problem-solving skills in readers.

Create an Adv. Case Study Prompt

Prompt Description

  • In-Depth Exploration: The script guides ChatGPT to conduct a thorough investigation into specific topics, including the challenges and opportunities present in the sector.
  • Focus on Key Areas: It directs the AI to focus on specific key areas, including the impact of significant trends, role of emerging technologies, and regulatory landscapes.
  • Analysis of Impact: The script prompts ChatGPT to assess the consequences of changes on consumers and the industry, providing an inclusive overview of the evolving landscape.
  • Competitive Strategies: It instructs the AI to explore the strategies adopted by companies to stay competitive, providing insights into business tactics within the case study.
  • Efficient Case Study Generation: The prompt's comprehensive structure makes the process of generating detailed case studies efficient and time-saving.

Perfect "Listicle" Article Prompt

Prompt Description

  • SEO-Focused Content: The script guides ChatGPT to focus on specific keywords, ensuring the creation of SEO-optimized content that can rank on Google.
  • Educational and Engaging: It instructs the AI to ensure the blog post educates, captivates the reader's attention, and provides practical solutions or guidance.
  • Actionable and Practical: The script guides the AI to create content that's rich in real-life examples, actionable advice, and intriguing storytelling.
  • Reader-Friendly Format: By directing the AI to use clear subheadings, bulleted lists, and enticing introductions, this script ensures the creation of well-structured and reader-friendly blog posts.
  • User-Centric and Reliable: The script emphasizes the importance of creating user-centric content, fortified with credible sources, statistics, and case studies.

Keyword Research + Planner Prompt

Prompt Description

  • Expertise-Informed Analysis: The script guides ChatGPT, an AI with experience in the field of Keyword Analysis and Research, to conduct a comprehensive keyword analysis on a given text.
  • Topical Focus: The AI is instructed to focus on specific topical areas, ensuring the relevancy and applicability of the analysis.
  • Educational and Insightful: The output generated provides educational content, offers meaningful insights, and practical solutions or guidance based on the Keyword Analysis and Research.
  • Well-Structured Content: By directing the AI to include clear subheadings, bulleted lists, and a compelling introduction, the script ensures the creation of well-structured keyword analyses.
  • Targeted Information: This script ensures the inclusion of targeted information, such as the intended audience, their main pain points, and the most relevant semantic keywords.

Perfect Article Prompt

Prompt Description

  • Expertise-Informed Content: Guides ChatGPT to use your specific field of expertise to create an engaging, SEO-optimized blog post.
  • SEO Focused: Directs the AI to focus the article around a specific keyword and to incorporate longtail or semantic versions of this keyword throughout the content, helping the post rank high on Google.
  • Value-Adding: The output will educate readers, capture their attention, and provide practical solutions or guidance on a specific topic or pain point.
  • Real-Life Examples and Actionable Advice: The AI is guided to provide content rich in real-life examples and actionable advice, ensuring readers can easily apply the insights.
  • Interactive Experience: This script includes instructions for the AI to include relevant multimedia elements for an immersive reader experience.
  • Well-Structured: Ensures a well-structured article, complete with clear subheadings, bulleted or numbered lists, a compelling introduction, and an inspiring call-to-action conclusion.

Create + Rephrase Writing Prompt

Prompt Description

  • Content Rejuvenation: This script takes your existing homepage content and revitalizes it, keeping it fresh and engaging for your website visitors.
  • Focus on User Needs: The AI is prompted to rewrite the copy focusing on your specified topic and user needs, ensuring relevancy and effectiveness.
  • Web Presence Enhancement: This is ideal for businesses wanting to revamp their website content to better engage visitors and enhance their web presence.
  • User Value: By aligning with your specific business or content theme and addressing user needs, this script delivers high-value content that resonates with your audience.

Quick "GA" Insights Prompt

Prompt Description

  • Data-Driven Insights: This generator takes your Google Analytics data and provides meaningful insights based on your specified metrics and goals.
  • Structured Format: The AI presents the insights in an organized table format and point form, ensuring clarity and easy understanding.
  • Actionable Recommendations: Not only does it analyze data, but it also provides recommendations for next steps and guides you on what content to create next, promoting strategic planning and decision making.
  • Value Generation: This generator delivers high-value content and actionable insights, effectively turning your raw data into a strategic asset for content planning.

Quick Youtube Data Prompt

Prompt Description

  • Data Analysis: This tool thoroughly analyzes your YouTube Studio Analytics data to provide meaningful insights based on your specified metrics and goals.
  • Insightful Reports: Insights are delivered in both table and point form for easy comprehension and use.
  • Strategic Recommendations: Beyond analysis, this tool offers next steps and suggestions on what content you should produce next, guiding you towards effective content strategies.
  • Value Creation: By transforming your raw data into actionable insights and content planning guides, this tool helps you derive maximum value from your YouTube Analytics.

Create Blog Outline Prompt

Prompt Description

  • Topic Focus: The generator creates an outline centered around your chosen focus keyword and field of expertise.
  • SEO-Optimized: It incorporates longtail or semantic versions of the keywords throughout the outline, ensuring it's SEO-optimized and will rank on Google.
  • Branding: The tool identifies and highlights the unique offerings of each brand within the specified field.
  • User-Centric: It creates engaging outlines that emphasize the importance of user-centricity and how it adds value to the expert's field.
  • Structural Clarity: The output is a well-organized outline divided into sections with clear subheadings, aiding comprehension and reading flow.
  • Interactive: The generator promotes reader interaction by inviting comments and discussion, fostering engagement.
  • Grammar and Style: It ensures the outline is well-formatted and proofread for grammatical and punctuation errors, encouraging a creative and spontaneous writing style.

Landing Page Copy Prompt

Prompt Description

  • Brand- and Product-Focused: The script instructs ChatGPT to create a landing page centered around a specific brand and its products or services, ensuring that the generated content is highly relevant and specifically tailored.
  • Problem-Solving Approach: It guides ChatGPT to outline a particular problem faced by the target customers and articulate how the brand's product/service is designed to solve this problem, thereby establishing a direct value proposition.
  • Highlight Key Features: The script prompts the AI to emphasize three key benefits or features of the product/service. This detail-oriented approach helps articulate the unique selling propositions and the value they bring to the customer.
  • Testimonials: Optionally, it instructs ChatGPT to integrate customer testimonials into the copy, adding social proof and further enhancing the credibility and appeal of the product/service.
  • Call-to-Action: The script guides the AI to formulate a compelling call-to-action that clearly communicates the desired action visitors should take, and the benefits they will reap from doing so, driving user engagement and conversion.
  • Audience Specificity: The script ensures that the AI takes into account the specific audience for whom the product/service is designed. This ensures that the landing page copy is crafted to resonate with, and cater to, the unique needs of the target demographic.
  • Engage User Interest: The script instructs ChatGPT to create a compelling and engaging narrative that effectively captures user interest, thus optimizing the potential for conversions.

Developer Prompt

Prompt Description

  • Reusable Template: The prompt is designed as a reusable template that developers can utilize for various tasks or projects, saving time and effort in creating consistent prompt structures.
  • Customizable Instructions: Developers can easily customize the step-by-step instructions within the template to fit the specific requirements of their development tasks or projects.
  • Flexible Requirements: The template allows developers to define their own set of requirements based on the needs of their development tasks or projects, ensuring that the necessary conditions are met.
  • Clear Input and Output Format: The template provides a clear structure for defining the input format and expected output format, enabling developers to specify the required data or information and the desired outcome.
  • Sample Input and Output: The template includes sample input and output sections, serving as a reference and demonstration of how the input should be formatted and what the expected output should look like.
  • Additional Information: Developers can include any relevant additional information or resources in the designated section, providing extra context or guidance for the prompt's usage.

Case Study Analysis Prompt

Prompt Description

  • Reusable Template: This prompt is designed as a reusable template that can be used for analyzing case studies. It provides a consistent structure for evaluating the elements and structure of a case study.
  • Customizable Instructions: Users can easily customize the instructions within the template to fit the specific requirements of analyzing a particular case study.
  • Flexible Requirements: The template allows users to define their own set of requirements for analyzing the case study, based on the needs of their teaching or discussion objectives.
  • Clear Input and Output Format: The template provides a clear structure for organizing the analysis of the case study, ensuring that the necessary information is included and the desired outcomes are achieved.
  • Sample Input and Output: The template includes sample sections and explanations to serve as references and demonstrations of how to apply the template to a specific case study.
  • Additional Information: Users can include any relevant additional information or resources in the designated section, providing extra context or guidance for analyzing the case study.